Sunday, December 23, 2007

He Was One Of Us

Blessed Christmas! December, the month of the year for ME! *beaming* Attached is a poem I grew up with, from a poem book my mum gave me long ago, just thought of sharing another one here, for CHRISTmas :)

He was born as little children are
And lived as children do,
So remember that the Savior
Was once a child like you,
And remember that He lived on earth
In the midst of sinful men,
And the problems of the present
Existed even then;
He was ridiculed and laughed at
In the same heartbreaking way
That we who fight for justice
Are ridiculed today;
He was tempted…he was hungry…
He was lonely…He was sad…
There’s no sorrowful experience
That the Savior has not had;
And in the end He was betrayed
And even crucified,
For He was truly “one of us”-
He lived on earth and died;
So do not heed the skeptics
Who are often heard to say:
“What does God up in Heaven
Know of things we face today”…
For, our Father up in Heaven is very much aware
Of our failures and shortcomings
And the burdens that we bear;
So whenever you are troubled
Put your problems in God’s Hand
For He has faced all problems
And He will understand.

~ Helen Steiner Rice ~

May all who really celebrate CHRISTmas to never never never use the word --- Xmas. It’s sad to see how the world really deleted the most important element of the season…Christ.

I remember as a child who just learnt my alphabet, I did ask my mum what does “Xmas” mean, and she say “Christmas”. Never did I question beyond her answer. Only few years back, I truly understand the meaning behind it. Christmas – Christ = Xmas. Sad rite? :(

Hey, Christmas is in the corner & I’m home for Christmas! Nothing beats the warmth of family and friends getting together. *smiling from ear to ear*!